Sophisticated Planning
with our personal touch
Estate Planning and Wealth Preservation is about a lot more than having an attorney draft legal documents such as Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, and Marital Property Agreements. It is a process that accomplishes the following objectives:
controlling property while you are alive and well;
taking care of yourself and your loved ones in the event of a disability;
giving what you have to whom you want, when you want and how you want upon your death.
Without proper planning, you and your family may lose control over your property, suffer through unnecessary court proceedings, and pay excessive taxes. Improper or incomplete estate planning may also deprive your family of the opportunity to receive from you a lasting legacy designed to bring family members closer. Where trusts are used, the estate planning process is generally not complete until such time as your trusts are funded (i.e. assets are transferred to the trust).
There are almost an endless number of underlying reasons which necessitate the need to plan. They may include such things as
saving taxes (whether its income, gift, estate, generation-skipping, or other taxes),
providing control and protection over funds for minors,
avoiding probate and guardianship proceedings,
controlling and protecting assets following a divorce, remarriage, or when there is a blended family,
protect family members who have special needs (those who are physically, mentally or developmentally disabled),
protecting funds for education,
protecting qualified plan funds (such as an IRA) or maximizing minimum required distributions for inheritors of these accounts, or
protecting assets from the claims of creditors or lawsuits.
Regardless of the reasons, we can help you sift through the maze of complexity to arrive at a reasonable and cost effective approach to providing the control and protection you need.